
Marina Jirnsum is equipped with many facilities. What distinguishes us from others? The tranquility, cleanliness, and luxury.

Manned reception

Any questions or do you need assistance? Please contact the reception. Office hours during the season from April 1st to October 1st  are:

Monday – Friday from 08.00 till 17.00

Saturday from 08.00 till 16.00

Sunday from 10.30 till 16.00


Off-season office hours are:

Monday – Friday from 08.00 till 17.00

Saturday  ( By Appointment).

Closed on Sunday



There is ample parking space. The car parks are on a Private property , so your car is always secure.

Cleaning facilities

The toilet block has neat showers and toilets that are regularly cleaned. There is also a washing machine and dryer. At reception, you can get a sepkey (with deposit). You can load this with credit which can be used to shower and to use the washing machine and dryer.


At the entrance to the marina, there are underground containers for your waste. We separate paper, glass, and household waste.

Service technicians

Our service technicians carry out all maintenance and repair work. Feel free to ask about the possibilities.

Petrol station

The certified petrol station has a storage capacity of 10.000 litres. Refuelling is fast: you fill up 100 litres in about 3.5 minutes.


You can have your boat cleaned both on the outside and the inside. Prices vary per boat, depending on its size and how laborious it is. Want more information? Get in touch.

Trailer ramp

You can use our trailer ramp for € 12,50 per use. If you wish to use it, please report to reception and pay using cash or card.

Animal pasture

Fond of animals? In our large, enclosed animal pasture, you will find chickens and goats, but also various other animals. We swap out the animals regularly. It’s definitely worth a look!

Want to apply for a berth?

We'd love to have you!

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